We really want to make this as simple as possible (and inexpensive too) so here are a few hints and tips:
You probably have most of the equipment needed for the Makes and Bakes already – we aren’t fancy, just real mums, so if we have one, you probably will too! This applies to the ingredients too. There’s nothing fancy or expensive in these, so check your cupboards and fridges before heading to the shops.
Substitute if you need to. We have included the recipes so that you can choose an alternative ingredient if you need to.
These are instructions where the process rather than the end product is the main part of the challenge. If your child can’t eat or doesn’t like the texture for example, feel free to find an alternative and still join in the challenge.
Give it a go! Even if you feel a Make or Bake is too tricky for your child, give it a go anyway, chances are you will just have fun and spend some precious time together.

Make and Bake was born from a love of crafting and cooking with our children. We feel that every parent should have the opportunity to spend time together creatively with their child. Working as a team, strengthens social confidence and skills, such as turn taking. Joint adult working also nurtures attachment which is so vital for growing children, by helping support children in their social, emotional and cognitive development.
Baking is a great multi-sensory experience, exploring texture, smell, sight and most deliciously, taste! It encourages questions, predictions and experiments from curious minds. It can provide a child with a huge sense of pride and accomplishment in baking and eating their very own product. It can help with self-discipline, following instructions and learning vital cooking skills for use into adulthood. Our focus is on healthy Bakes that children (and the rest of the family) can enjoy.
Evidence shows that engaging children in food preparation increases their willingness and openness to trying new foods. We aim to educate children about foods and healthy alternatives (with the occasional treat) to equip them with this knowledge from a young age. This is especially important with an increasing number of children who are falling into various categories of unhealthiness, for example obesity and clocking up several hours of screen time.
Making creations is also a fantastic multi-sensory experience, it’s trial and error, experiments and fun. It’s practising fine motor skills to enhance writing and manual dexterity. It’s creativity and flair. It’s self-discovery in a safe environment. The pride gained in displaying your masterpieces, perhaps even earning a space on the fridge is great to see. Children’s creative sparks just grow and grow.
Tying together the Makes and Bakes and setting the mood for the challenge is the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar – by Eric Carle, which helps to encourage reading and therefore an interest in stories, helps to grow imagination and set ground works for reading and writing.
Displaying your Makes and eating your Bakes is just the cherry on the top of your time together.
Join us, get stuck in, explore, create, Make and Bake!

Apple Biscuits
40g Flour
20g Butter
½ an apple (grated)
½ an egg yolk
Rub together butter and flour with your fingers until combined.
Add grated apple, egg yolk and stir into a dough.
On a floured worktop, roll out your dough, cut out biscuit shapes and place onto a baking tray.
Pop in the oven (temp 180oC) for 15 mins or until golden
Banana and Raisin Flapjacks
50g butter
2 tbsp smooth peanut butter
3 tbsp honey
2 ripe bananas mashed
1 apple (grated)
250g rolled oats
100g raisins
Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease and line a square tin with baking paper.
Heat the butter, peanut butter and honey in a pan until melted.
Add the mashed banana, apple and 100ml hot water, mix to combine.
Tip the oats and raisins into the banana mixture and stir until everything is coated
Tip into the cake tin and level. Bake for 55 mins until golden.
Leave to cool in the tin and cut into pieces
Yoghurt Bark
500g Greek yoghurt
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp raisins
1 tsp desiccated coconut
Mix yoghurt and honey together, add in raisins
Line a baking tray or large shallow container with foil/greaseproof paper, pour in mixture to about ½ inch thick
Chop berries and sprinkle over yoghurt mix, add desiccated coconut
Freeze for 2-4 hours, once fully frozen, break into pieces